This is the link between home and classroom. The child’s progress towards independence is developed by the use of a variety of materials and activities. This helps them develop skills needed for more complex Montessori equipment. The Exercises of Practical Life are classified under the headings of Preliminary Exercises, Care of the Environment, Care of the Self, Grace and Courtesy and Movement.
Montessori sensorial materials are designed to refine the child’s ability to interpret visual cues of size, shape and colour, tactile cuesof texture, weight and temperature and auditory, olfactory and gustatory cues. Sensorial materials allow the child to make distinctions between things that are similar and different and enables them to develop their ability to sort arrange and classify.
This curriculum area involves everything from vocabulary development to writing and reading. We have an integrated approach that combines phonetics and whole language. Children analyse words into sounds and learn letters by touch. Creativity is encouraged as children practice writing and storytelling.
Children learn sequence, recognition and quantity of numbers, and as the child progresses more complex mathematical operations. Through engagement with uniquely designed Montessori materials children are able to bridge the gap from concrete to abstract.
This aspect of the curriculum includes science, history and geography. This informs and enriches the child with many experiences.
Participation in drama, dance and music gives the children and opportunity to develop good communication skills and self confidence.
Children explore a variety of art and craft activities, getting hands on experience at creating within the visual media